Sunday, October 16, 2016

Great News!!!

Dear Friends,
I just found out Xfinity offers a voice activated television remote! Thank the heavens above! If I had to raise that remote eye level and press one more button it might have been the end for me. Now I don't even have to raise my arm to activate mainstream media. I can just lay back in my recliner and have it all saturate my brain. Television will show me what is acceptable these days and where my moral compass needs to be. Daytime talk shows always fill me in on all of the important topics and trending news. (I am just devastated over Pitt and Jolie's divorce)! In the evening I can count on any news information to be filtered and bias; doesn't it sound exhausting to sort things out on my own? Isn't that what twitter is for? At the push of a button I can have over 10,000,001 of the finest opinions in 140 letters or less bashing any idea or opinion with hateful and mean comments to set me straight. All of this political blah blah blah do they really think I have time to research and sort through fact based information and then actually make a decision? It just seems like overkill!  I mean all of these debates are already interrupting my night time wait a minute. Light bulb!  Now I  can speak into my remote and DVR all my shows and skip all of these advertisements about politics and depend diapers. Thank you Xfinity!

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