Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's punctual...

Today I am just a comma ,
Many days I am excited and enthusiastic for life !
There are days I am so glad I have a village to help me along my way %
Hopefully someday I will have the opportunity to feel loaded $
at times it feels as though I need to stand on my tippy toes to see what is coming next ^
or I might wonder why things are the way they are ?
my bizarre and crazy interjections of thought can be captured  [ ]
at times I know we need to move forward but I want to make my point ;
and on various days I might vacillate feeling < = >
and there are poignant things I want to be remembered by *
I feel as though at times I am included in a greater scheme /
sometimes I wish I were more like others “ “
the time I spend in nature + to my overall wellness
Sometimes I feel as though old memories take away from that same pot –
and other times I don’t really know who I am or where I belong ~
sometimes I just want a hug { }
I am definitely not ready for  . 
So today I open my eyes take a breath and move forward  ,
-Rebecca John

Thursday, October 25, 2012


 I have moments; there have only been a few, when I have experienced a moment of “clarity". An experience that changed the trajectory of my life. It influenced my  thoughts, my actions, my perceptions.  In the past I expressed moments of awakening as “clarity.  In the true sense these were only internal lessons; something new, an aha moment.  True “Clarity” prompts change, usually drastic change. I don’t think I am alone in resisting change. I think it is easier to find a flow and to stay. In my life many of these drastic changes involve pain and difficulty adjusting. Some of my favorite songs have key changes involving major or minor chords, the unexpected.  Such is life when experiencing  “clarity”; beyond the uncertain may be a wonderful melody.  However the unknown makes me just want to turn around and somehow go back. It is so hard to face even though it is the same path just with a different view.
Same path, different view.